Plan, track, inspire, & celebrate yourself to get your goal with this pretty & bold printable (and reprintable forever) 24-page planner. Write that book, get fit, change the job, start your business - whatever your goal, go get it, girl!
The 24 pages include daily, weekly, monthly sheets, and also a sample of how to effectively use a daily sheet. Print 7 assemble into a binder or use digitally with Adobe Acrobat.
Product info:
This planner is available as pdf files in 2 sizes; US Letter and A4
Printable Downloadable Steps:
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When your payment is complete, go to - to download these digital
Unzip folder(s)
Print at home, or to an online or local print service (heavy weight paper will be best for the affirmations)
If you open the file in Acrobat Reader, please select “ACTUAL SIZE” in your printer settings – Print.
Now go, get your goal, friend!